In 2008, a UK-based Adobe Acrobat engineer remarked, "I believe in striving to minimize the use of paper, but I do believe that we will probably never reach a position where paper is eliminated from our workplaces." This morning, his predictions were clearly confirmed bya study published by the information professionals organization AIIM.The study shows that while the exchange of PDF files as e-mail attachments has reduced the volume of paperwork traded between IT professionals, that reduction is not only minimal, but quite possibly made up for. Over three-quarters of IT professionals surveyed say one of the first things they do with a PDF-based invoice... is print it out.
This is a collection of bits of information that I've come across in other places and would like to reflect upon in more detail if time permits. But time never seems to permit, so they may gather dust here indefinitely.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
PDF May Be Creating More Paperwork Than It Saves
From ReadWrite Web: